Nottingham Analogue AnnaLog

Nottingham Analogue

Nottingham Analogue Studio was founded in Great Britain over four decades ago and produces some of the finest turntables in the world. The primary purpose of better analogue LP playback is to savour every last bit of music buried in the timeless grooves, and Nottingham’s design philosophy does just that. The basic design idea, incorporated

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Origin Live Sovereign

Origin Live

Origin Live is a privately owned British company with fanaticism to reproduce music as played originally, live – hence the name Origin Live. We design and manufacture in-house which has many advantages for innovation, production costs and quality. Origin Live aims to enrich your musical enjoyment by offering the highest grade products to a standard that outperforms

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TriPlanar Ultimate 12


Tri-Planar officially came into being when the Wheaton Decoupled Arm was initially introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago, 1981. The design of that first arm was the result of years of research and development by Tri-Planar founder, Herb Papier. As a young man, Herb Papier played trumpet in amateur Big Bands and, later

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Miyajima Labs Shilabe

Miyajima Labs

Our philosophy is to skillfully build superior audio components that will reproduce recorded sound so faithfully, that the artists personality and the emotions in their music are perfectly expressed to the listener.Exceptionally fine audio components will result when music can be reproduced with accuracy and without distortion.When matching theory and musicality, good products are created.We

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ZYX Audio Bloom3

ZYX Audio

Mr. Nakatsuka of ZYX is the President and chief engineer, or maybe we should say the chief engineer and the President of ZYX. He was born in the Nagano prefecture in Japan. He has a long experience of audio equipment going back to a very early age. After graduating from university, he worked in the

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Benz Micro LP

Benz Micro

Ernst Benz som har en baggrund i den schweiziske ur-industri startede i begyndelsen af 1970-erne med produktion af nåle til pick-upper og han blev i løbet af de næste år en førende leverandør til mange af verdens pick-up fabrikanter. I begyndelsen af 1980-erne startede Ernst Benz så udviklingen af egne MC pick-upper, da han havde

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Oracle Audio Delphi

Oracle Audio

We understand that there are many avenues that can be taken in designing our products but we are also very aware that not all those options can lead to the development of a highly performing audio device. This makes the creation process quite long and complex especially when seeking a stunning, unique and innovative

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Coda no 8


The genesis of CODA Technologies began in March of 1985. Originally incorporated as Continuum Electronics, an independent design and engineering consultancy, the company was founded by Eric Lauchli, B.D. Dale and Lorin Peterson, former members of the R&D and technical support staff of the Threshold Corporation, then an innovative leader in high-performance solid state audio

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